Conserving water can not only save you money, but it could also save the planet too! Technological advancements in the plumbing industry have made water conservation easier, but in the end, it is your responsibility.
Check Faucet Leaks: Even the smallest drip from a worn-out faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day! If you notice your faucet is frequently leaking, it might be a good idea to call in a professional to have it evaluated.
Shorten Your Showers:Â A shower is a place where the water goes to die. While showering is important, having a picnic in there is probably not the best idea if you are trying to be water conscious. Did you know that every extra minute you take in a hot shower wastes up to 10 gallons of water?
Insulate Your Pipes:Â Insulating your pipes is easy, and it can save you a ton on your water bill. When your water has to run for a minute or two to heat up, all that initial cold water is washed down the drain. Insulating your pipes will cut down on that heat-up time and lead you down the path of savings.
Fill a Glass For Mouth Rinsing:Â When you brush your teeth, there is no need to keep the water running. Wet your toothbrush, fill up a glass for rinsing, brush and then rinse with the glass of water. Cupping water from the faucet to rinse is less efficient and a whole lot messier.
Watch your Wash
- You should be conscious of the size of your laundry pile. The day it reaches the maximum weight for a load in your washing machine should be laundry day. Doing full loads of laundry can save you as much as 35% on your water bill.
- The same rules apply to your dishwasher. Full loads are better than halves and washing in the machine is always better than the sink. Newer model dishwashers use up to 50% less water than if you were to wash the old-fashioned way.
If you are interested in upgrading to a more water-efficient system, turn to the trusty team at AAA Service! We are the guys in the bright pink trucks that you see all over town. We would be more than happy to assist you in any way possible and can be reached by calling (303) 313-3333!