Floods tend to happen at the most inopportune times. It could be a beautiful Denver Sunday morning, the Broncos are on, but instead, you are greeted by a lake in your basement. There is no easy way to deal with floods, but after you are done throwing a fit, turn to this guide to solve your problems:
Step 1: Protect Yourself
The flood could be related to a multitude of different factors, and you won’t know the culprit until you do a little investigating. But while you are unsure, it is important to be safe! Grab a flashlight, waterproof boots, gloves, and a mask before you venture into the abyss.
Step 2: Disconnect the Electricity
Think of the water in your basement like a pool, and what did your mom always tell you about pools? “When the lightning starts, you get the hell out!” For that very same reason, entering flood water is unsafe if you don’t cut off the power.
Step 3: Determine the Cause of the Flood
If the flood isn’t weather-related, it was likely caused by a problem with your plumbing. The first thing you should do is shut down the water at the shut-off valve. This will stall your problem and keep the water at its hopefully low current depth. Once you have done this, call in a plumbing professional to determine if this was a pipe break or a drain blockage.
Step 4: Get the Water Out
If the damage is minimal, you should be able to remove the water with the help of a shop vac and some old towels. You might be down there a while, so make sure you have your favorite alcoholic beverages on hand to help you push through it.
Step 5: Air It Out
After the water is removed, it is time to start returning your basement to its old self. Water damage can bring mold, so the first thing you should do is buy a dehumidifier and make sure it is big enough to service your whole basement. After that, bring down a few fans and let them get some air circulating down there. If your basement is carpeted, this might not be enough!
To avoid the hassle that comes with floods, you should make sure your plumbing is in tip-top shape. At AAA Service, we can help you with all of your plumbing concerns in a professional and timely manner. We are the guys in the bright pink trucks that you see all over town!
To schedule a plumbing appointment, call (303) 313-3333 or click around on our website!