Denver has its fair share of snowstorms. A strong storm could lead to downed power lines and power outages. No power in your home also means no heat. Being exposed to cold temperatures in the wintertime is perilous to your health. Below are some safety tips to keep in mind during a winter power outage.
- It is important to dress warmly. Make sure that you are wearing multiple layers of clothing.
- Everyone in your home should congregate in a south-facing room that has windows.
- Staying in the same room with other people allows you to benefit from body heat.
- Be sure to unplug all of the electrical devices in your home. That way, when the power does come back on, it won’t cause a power surge.
- Your home should always be prepared for an outage. Be sure to have a flashlight, battery-operated radio, candles, matches, extra batteries, bottled water, and a first aid kit.
You can protect yourself against power outages by having a whole house standby generator installed. Our generators can power your lights, security system, sump pump television, and refrigerator during an outage. We are the guys in the bright pink trucks that you see all over town! Call (303) 313-3333 to schedule an appointment that is convenient for you.