A homeowner’s journal is a simple way to keep track of important purchases or home maintenance. This information kept all in one place, saves time when you’re trying to remember what maintenance was performed on what date and whether you performed the maintenance or called a service company. You can also keep track of how much you spent
It’s easy to get started. You can either create a file on your computer or use pages in a notebook with the name of each item or appliance and all the related information.
Select from the following list; add more categories as needed:
- Air conditioner
- Air ducts
- Bathroom(s)
- Carbon monoxide detectors
- Carpeting/flooring
- Ceiling fans
- Curtains
- Dishwasher
- Doors
- Drier
- Electrical
- Electronics
- Exterior painting
- Faucets
- Fencing
- Fireplace
- Furnace
- Furnace filters
- Garage door
- Garbage disposal
- Gutters/downspouts
- Hot tub
- Humidifier
- Interior painting
- Kitchen equipment
- Landscaping
- Plumbing
- Refrigerator
- Roof
- Security system
- Siding
- Skylights
- Smoke detector
- Sprinkler system
- Thermostat
- Washing machine
- Water heater
- Water softener
- Windows
Include the following information for each category:
- Date of service/purchase
- Name of Service Company/Store
- Company or Store Contact Information
- Description of service or item
- Model number/serial number
- Warranty Information
- Additional Information (such as date to schedule next service call, cost of item or service/repair, etc.)
To schedule an appointment, call (303) 313-3333 now!