The cooling season is almost over, and that means storm season is upon us. The heat of summer does all sorts of crazy things to the weather, and you can’t afford to be unprepared. While the Denver area isn’t exactly a tropical paradise, it is still susceptible to major storms at this time of year. Here are some things you need to know to keep your air conditioner and electricity safe during a storm:
Learn More About Lightning
Although lightning strikes are statistically rare, you want to be prepared for when they do occur. The biggest thing to know is that a strike can cause 5 billion joules of energy to travel through your electrical system in less than a second, which means your air conditioner could be completely ruined if it hits your wiring.
Learn More About Possible Damage
If you decide to leave your AC on during a storm, you should still understand the type of damage that can be done if lightning hits. Because air conditioners are protected by insulation, it’s not likely that the casing will get hot during a lightning strike. But it is possible that the power surge may melt the plug and damage the electrical circuits in your air conditioner’s control panel.
Learn More About Surge Protectors
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a surge protector will keep your air conditioner safe. Although surge protectors are used to shielding your appliances from power spikes, they are not necessarily capable of guarding them against lightning. If you live in an area of Colorado that’s prone to heavy storms, consider building a protection system that consists of metal rods above and below your house. This type of system should ensure that lightning strikes a rod before hitting your home or electrical circuits.
At AAA Service, we know a thing or two about your home’s air conditioning and electrical systems. If you have any problems related or unrelated to a storm, let the guys in the bright pink trucks help you out! To schedule service, call (303) 313-3333 or click around on our website!