An air conditioning system is a significant investment, so no one can fault you for trying to get as much life out of the appliance as possible. However, waiting until your central air system dies before you replace it could leave you sweltering in the harsh midsummer heat.
If you’re wondering whether this summer might be the last for your trusty old AC system, be on the lookout for these four signs:
It Cools in Short Cycles
The cooling cycle should run for around 20 minutes before auto-cycling off. Certain problems within your AC unit can cause the cooling cycle to end prematurely. (This is what we call short cycling.) Since your AC isn’t operating for the full cooling cycle, your indoor temperature usually doesn’t reach the target set on your thermostat.
It Produces Strange Smells or Noises
If you hear an unusual sound or notice an odd odor whenever your air conditioning cycles on, you can be pretty sure that there’s something amiss within your HVAC. An air conditioning repair can remedy noises and smells, but these issues in older units are usually a strong indicator that you’ll need a complete replacement.
It Doesn’t Cool Like it Used To
Especially if your home has adequate insulation, you should notice a decided temperature difference upon entering your house on a hot summer day. If your indoor temperature feels more lukewarm than refreshingly cool, the active elements in your tired AC unit may have worn out beyond repair.
It’s Getting Expensive to Operate
An AC unit that is getting close to the end of its lifespan requires more runtime and electricity (in addition to frequent repairs). A higher charge on your electric bill is a sure sign that your AC’s efficiency has plummeted.
Your old central air system is likely on borrowed time if you notice any of the signs listed above, so don’t wait until it’s too late to have a safe and comfortable summer season. AAA Service Plumbing, Heating & Electric can diagnose the condition of your HVAC system to help you determine your best options. To schedule your appointment, call (303) 313-3333.